March 25, 2013

If You Have a Craving, I Have a Cure~ Book Review

"In If You Have a Craving, I Have a Cure , bestselling author and speaker Sheri Rose Shepherd encourages you to embark on a new adventure with faith and food." Sheri shares the tips that have helped her lose over 50 pounds.
This book is consists of 15 chapters that each begin with a "Craving"________.  Chapter One is Craving More Energy.  The format of the book is different than I expected.  Each chapter is formatted the same starting  with a personal bit about Sheri. Next is "Soul Food" which is a scripture verse that is relevant to the topic. "New Life Recipes" are everyday practical tips for you to try. This is followed by "Power Up With Prayer" and a "Food Truth" with the Food Truth of Chapter One being "No food..... is as satisfying as the energy to enjoy life." Each chapter concludes with actual recipes.
This book is a quick and easy read. I expected more Sheri Stories but I was surprised that she kept them brief and not to deep. Did I mention that there are over 100 recipes in this book as well? The recipes sound very inviting and are not filled with processed ingredients. I can't wait to try a few. I would recommend this book to anyone that has struggled with weight loss or food addictions.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own.

March 15, 2013

The Five Money Personalities-Speaking the Same Love and Money Language by Scott & Bethany Palmer

The 5 Money Personalities
Speaking the Same Love and Money Language By Scott & Bethany Palmer

First, please know that this book is designed to be read over a 90 day period with your spouse. I read the book straight through since I had a time deadline for my review. However, I think it is possible to glean helpful information whichever way you decide to read it. This is also not a book on budgeting or getting out of debt, but about discovering the how and why you behave the way you do with money.

This book is broken down into three main parts. Part 1: It's All About the Money Personalities. Part 2: The Heart of the Matter. Part 3: Reclaiming your Marriage. The book starts with us learning about the Money Relationship and that it  involves a whole lot more than money. The Palmer's define a Money Relationship as follows:  A "Money Relationship is about the daily decisions you make as a couple in which money is involved." The Palmer's begin to walk the reader through "practical, efficient, easy-to-remember, easy-to-apply tools to help you build a stronger Money Relationship."

The Five Money Personalities was something that was new to me. I knew about savers and spenders, but there are also risk takers, security seekers and what the Palmer's refer to as Flyers. Examples are given for each of the Five Money personalities and each person has a primary and secondary money personality. In this chapter I did learn what my Money personality is and that my spouse's is completely different.

The book is full of scenarios of couples from all five of the Money Personalities.  At times I found the book repetitive, but overall I would recommend it as a good read for couples and especially new couples. I did learn something new about my relationship with money and my spouse's relationship with money.

I received this book for free from for this review. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own.

March 5, 2013

HOT Deal of Uber Larabar's at KROGER!!

This week you can get Uber Larabar's for only $.63 Each when you use the printable coupon below! Uber Larabar's are on sale 10 for $10. Use the coupon and get them for $.63 each. You do NOT have to buy 10 to get them for $1.00 each (before coupon)
$.75 off Two Uber Larabar Coupon- sort by food and you should see the coupon. You can print 2 coupons per computer.

Book Review-Visioneering By Andy Stanley

Andy Stanley is an excellent author and has a way of capturing the reader's attention and keeping it. So much so that you might read this book in one day. Visioneering by Andy Stanley is one of the best books on leadership/vision that I have ever read.

Have you ever asked yourself "What does God have planned for my life?" If so, this book is a must read for you.  Andy's practical approach to the subject of vision and leadership is beneficial to everyone.  Andy says "you are not responsible for figuring out how to pull off God's vision for your life.  You are responsible to do what you know to do, what you can do. And then you must wait" Throughout this book Andy helps you to learn to distinguish what is a vision from God and what is not.

This book is filled with practical exercises paired with straight forward teaching that will help you through the process of understanding the plan God has for you. Andy reminds us that "God-inspired visions ultimately lead back to God. Regardless of our role, we are never the focal point of a genuine God-ordained vision. He is." This book is highly recommended for anyone truly seeking to find out God's will for their life.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own.