Today I had to run into Target for a few items, everywhere I went I heard the beep- beep of the markdown machines (music to my ears). I happened to walk by the office supply aisle and saw lots of red tags! So I stopped to have a look.
Even if you take NO coupons this is a fabulous deal!!
I got ALL of the following for $7.89
(regular price would have been $48.43!)
One standard stapler with 1 box of staples(1250) and a stapler remover $1.48
3pk Scotch tape $.72 (I got 3)
Post-it note write on filing tabs $.88 (I got 2)
4pk Post-it notes $.68 (I got 2)
Mini swingline stapler with box of staples $.47
2pk Post-it tags+ highlighters $1.22 (I got 3) (paid .22 each)
There are coupons on various post it products for $1.00 off post-it pen product... I used 3 of these, so it made the 2pk of pens $.22 each!
Go get yours while you can! LOTS of products are on sale in every department!