The 5 Money
the Same Love and Money Language By Scott & Bethany Palmer
please know that this book is designed to be read over a 90 day period with
your spouse. I read the book straight through since I had a time deadline for
my review. However, I think it is possible to glean helpful information whichever
way you decide to read it. This is also not a book on budgeting or getting out
of debt, but about discovering the how and why you behave the way you do with
book is broken down into three main parts. Part 1: It's All About the Money
Personalities. Part 2: The Heart of the Matter. Part 3: Reclaiming your
Marriage. The book starts with us learning about the Money Relationship and
that it involves a whole lot more than
money. The Palmer's define a Money Relationship as follows: A "Money Relationship is about the daily
decisions you make as a couple in which money is involved." The Palmer's begin
to walk the reader through "practical, efficient, easy-to-remember,
easy-to-apply tools to help you build a stronger Money Relationship."
Five Money Personalities was something that was new to me. I knew about savers
and spenders, but there are also risk takers, security seekers and what the
Palmer's refer to as Flyers. Examples are given for each of the Five Money personalities
and each person has a primary and secondary money personality. In this chapter
I did learn what my Money personality is and that my spouse's is completely different.
book is full of scenarios of couples from all five of the Money Personalities. At times I found the book repetitive, but
overall I would recommend it as a good read for couples and especially new
couples. I did learn something new about my relationship with money and my
spouse's relationship with money.
I received this book for free from for this
review. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my