I love getting a great deal and hate paying full price! This website is my way of sharing great deals I find with you. I hope that you will use the deals for yourself, as gifts and to donate to food banks and shelters in your area. I frequently post deals at Target, Publix and Kroger as well as online deals.
I am a busy mom to 3 children and happily married. I also love to read, so you will frequently find me posting book reviews.
If you find a great deal, email it to mommylikestosave@gmail.com and once approved for appropriate content, we will post it on our website with kudos to you as one of our deal spotters!
I am in the southeast so depending on where you live, the deals may not be available in your area. Please enter your email address to subscribe to my posts so that you won't miss a deal!
I love comments, so please leave me one and let me know you visited my site. Check back often because the deals change daily!
Happy Saving!