August 9, 2011

60% Cash back on Magazines Today Only!!

Hurry over and shop through ShopAtHome. When you do, you can earn 60% cash back on your purchases!! This makes for an awesome deal on most magazines!!

A Few of my favorites are:
12 issue of Runner's World $20.00 or 6 issues for $9.97
10 issues of Family Fun $9.97
10 issues of Whole Living $14.95
12 issues of Oxygen for $19.95

These are way below newstand prices... These prices DO NOT reflect the 60% cash back you will earn TODAY!!!

1 comment:

Mommy likes to save said...

I COMPLETELY forgot the Ultimate Coupon Magazine!!! ALL YOU!! They have All You for $19.97 (12 issues) or $34 (24 issues).

After 60% cash back, it would be $7.99 for 1 year or $13.60 for 2 years!!! Way cheaper than Newstand!! The coupons in this magazine pay for itself!!